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Azure - Requirements

Pentest Requirements

Users and roles:

  • Global Reader and Security Reader roles in Azure AD
  • Reader permission over the subscription


  • Azure Dev/Test subscription.
  • Visual Studio subscription determines the monthly Azure credits you receive
    • Visual Studio Enterprise: $150/month
    • MSDN Platforms: $100
    • Visual Studio Professional: $50
    • Visual Studio Test Professional: $50

Powershell and Native Modules


  • Tenant: An instance of Azure AD and represents a single organization.
  • Azure AD Directory: Each tenant has a dedicated Directory. This is used to perform identity and access management functions for resources.
  • Subscriptions: It is used to pay for services. There can be multiple subscriptions in a Directory.
  • Core Domain: The initial domain name is the core domain. It is possible to define custom domain names too.
