WHID Injector - Tips and Tricks
What is it ? The WHID Injector is USB Key which act as a remote keyboard. Basically it sets up a Wifi Access Point where you can connect and send whatever you want on the machine. It also has a Rubber Ducky payload converter, an exfiltrated data tab and many more.
What can I do ? Everything you could do with a keyboard plugged into a computer, for example : using WHID Toolkit you can spawn a reverse-shell :D
Where to buy a WHID Injector ? I got mine from Aliexpress, it’s also available on ebay around 15+ $ ;)
Basic Setup
First you need to connect the web server hosted on “”, only reachable over the Exploit Wifi
. Use the following default credentials to connect to the AP.
When you want to update/upgrade some components you will have to login with these credentials. The default administration
Build your own firmware (do not trust the fishy chinese firmware from internet :P)
Setup Arduino IDE
One who buys an electronic usb stick online might want to change the firmware in order to get rid of a backdoor, or just to upgrade it.
- Download and Install the Arduino IDE from http://www.arduino.cc
- Go to File - Preferences. Locate the field “Additional Board Manager URLs:”
- Add http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json or https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/releases/download/2.3.0/package_esp8266com_index.json if an error occured.
- Select Tools - Board - Boards Manager. Search for “esp8266”.
- Install “esp8266 by ESP8266 community version 2.3.0”.
If it’s not enough I saw someone installing the following ;)
Customized keyboard mapping
If you are french you might want a french keyboard with AZERTY mapping, unfortunately this isn’t the default behavior of the WHiD Injector. Now we will modify the file Keyboard.cpp
to replace the english charset with a french one.
- git clone https://github.com/exploitagency/ESPloitV2.git
- Go back inside the arduino folder and open
- Replace the
with this one
Update Arduino Component
Let’s build the Arduino project, open the Arduino_32u4_code
in the folder ESPloitV2.
In the IDE choose these options:
- Select Tools - Board :
LilyPad Arduino USB
. - Select Tools - Port :
- Build and upload the sketch (you might need superprivilege)
Update ESPloitV2
Creating a custom firmware is the only way to modify the UI, to do so you will need to open the ESP_Code
- Open the ESP_Code sketch from the source folder.
- Select Tools - Board - “Generic ESP8266 Module”. (Previously installed)
- Select Tools - Flash Size - “4M (3M SPIFFS)”. (You need this, otherwise the IDE will throw an error about size)
- Select Sketch - “Export Compiled Binary”.
The firmware is now available in your /tmp/arduino_build_XXXXXX/*.bin
. The upgrade firmware
function in the panel at will upload the file.bin
and reboot the WHiD Injector.
Holy sh*t, I bricked my device
Chill my friend, this device is hard to brick. If you have messed really hard you can push the reset button.
- Open Arduino IDE and open ESP Programmer sketch
- Insert WHID
- Press Upload sketch and start the unbrick phase in the same time
Start the unbrick phase with a magnet by placing it close that side of the PCB where the hall sensor is located (do it two times). Close-away-close-away
Play time
Here is a simple payload which will spawn a terminal in a remote computer, you can either run it inside the livepayload tab of the AP, or you can use the Whid Toolkit
- https://camo.githubusercontent.com/11652f5ea3a5600654e558177a5311893392ee73/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f7041636c55544d2e6a7067
- http://www.zem.fr/utiliser-mouse-keyboard-azerty-arduino-pro-micro-teensy/