WHID Injector - Tips and Tricks

WHID Injector - Tips and Tricks

What is it ? The WHID Injector is USB Key which act as a remote keyboard. Basically it sets up a Wifi Access Point where you can connect and send whatever you want on the machine. It also has a Rubber Ducky payload converter, an exfiltrated data tab and many more.

What can I do ? Everything you could do with a keyboard plugged into a computer, for example : using WHID Toolkit you can spawn a reverse-shell :D

Where to buy a WHID Injector ? I got mine from Aliexpress, it’s also available on ebay around 15+ $ ;)

Basic Setup

First you need to connect the web server hosted on “”, only reachable over the Exploit Wifi. Use the following default credentials to connect to the AP.

SSID "Exploit"
Password "DotAgency"

When you want to update/upgrade some components you will have to login with these credentials. The default administration

username "admin"
password "hacktheplanet"

Build your own firmware (do not trust the fishy chinese firmware from internet :P)

Setup Arduino IDE

One who buys an electronic usb stick online might want to change the firmware in order to get rid of a backdoor, or just to upgrade it.

  1. Download and Install the Arduino IDE from http://www.arduino.cc
  2. Go to File - Preferences. Locate the field “Additional Board Manager URLs:”
  3. Add http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json or https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/releases/download/2.3.0/package_esp8266com_index.json if an error occured.
  4. Select Tools - Board - Boards Manager. Search for “esp8266”.
  5. Install “esp8266 by ESP8266 community version 2.3.0”.

If it’s not enough I saw someone installing the following ;)

Select Sketch - Include Library - Manage Libraries. Search for "Json".
Install "ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon version 5.11.0" and click "Close"  
Download https://github.com/exploitagency/esp8266FTPServer/archive/feature/bbx10_speedup.zip
Click Sketch - Include Library - Add .ZIP Library and select bbx10_speedup.zip from your Downloads folder.

Customized keyboard mapping

If you are french you might want a french keyboard with AZERTY mapping, unfortunately this isn’t the default behavior of the WHiD Injector. Now we will modify the file Keyboard.cpp to replace the english charset with a french one.

  1. git clone https://github.com/exploitagency/ESPloitV2.git
  2. Go back inside the arduino folder and open arduino-1.8.4/libraries/Keyboard/src/Keyboard.cpp
  3. Replace the _asciimap with this one
const uint8_t _asciimap[128] =
	0x00,             // NUL
	0x00,             // SOH
	0x00,             // STX
	0x00,             // ETX
	0x00,             // EOT
	0x00,             // ENQ
	0x00,             // ACK  
	0x00,             // BEL
	0x2a,			// BS	Backspace
	0x2b,			// TAB	Tab
	0x28,			// LF	Enter
	0x00,             // VT
	0x00,             // FF
	0x00,             // CR
	0x00,             // SO
	0x00,             // SI
	0x00,             // DEL
	0x00,             // DC1
	0x00,             // DC2
	0x00,             // DC3
	0x00,             // DC4
	0x00,             // NAK
	0x00,             // SYN
	0x00,             // ETB
	0x00,             // CAN
	0x00,             // EM
	0x00,             // SUB
	0x00,             // ESC
	0x00,             // FS
	0x00,             // GS
	0x00,             // RS
	0x00,             // US

	0x2c,		   //  ' '
	0x38,	   // !
	0x20,    // "
	0x20,    // # :TODO
	0x30,    // $
	0x34|SHIFT,    // %
	0x1E,    // &
	0x21,          // '
	0x22,    // (
	0x2d,    // )
        0x31,    // * : done
	0x2b|SHIFT,    // +
	0x10,          // ,
	0x23,          // -
	0x36|SHIFT,    // .
	0x37|SHIFT,    // /
	0x27|SHIFT,    // 0
	0x1e|SHIFT,    // 1
	0x1f|SHIFT,    // 2
	0x20|SHIFT,    // 3
	0x21|SHIFT,    // 4
	0x22|SHIFT,    // 5
	0x23|SHIFT,    // 6
	0x24|SHIFT,    // 7
	0x25|SHIFT,    // 8
	0x26|SHIFT,    // 9
	0x37,          // :
	0x36,          // ;
	0x64,      // < Done
	0x2e,          // =
	0x64|SHIFT,      // > Done
	0x10|SHIFT,      // ? 0x38 -> 0x10 OK
	0x1f,      // @ TODO
	0x14|SHIFT,      // A
	0x05|SHIFT,      // B
	0x06|SHIFT,      // C
	0x07|SHIFT,      // D
	0x08|SHIFT,      // E
	0x09|SHIFT,      // F
	0x0a|SHIFT,      // G
	0x0b|SHIFT,      // H
	0x0c|SHIFT,      // I
	0x0d|SHIFT,      // J
	0x0e|SHIFT,      // K
	0x0f|SHIFT,      // L
	0x33|SHIFT,      // M
	0x11|SHIFT,      // N
	0x12|SHIFT,      // O
	0x13|SHIFT,      // P
	0x04|SHIFT,      // Q
	0x15|SHIFT,      // R
	0x16|SHIFT,      // S
	0x17|SHIFT,      // T
	0x18|SHIFT,      // U
	0x19|SHIFT,      // V
	0x1d|SHIFT,      // W
	0x1b|SHIFT,      // X
	0x1c|SHIFT,      // Y
	0x1a|SHIFT,      // Z
	0x0c,          // [ TODO 2F
	0x31,          // bslash
	0x0d,          // ] TODO 30
	0x2F,    // ^
	0x25,    // _
	0x35,          // ` TODO
	0x14,          // a
	0x05,          // b
	0x06,          // c
	0x07,          // d
	0x08,          // e
	0x09,          // f
	0x0a,          // g
	0x0b,          // h
	0x0c,          // i
	0x0d,          // j
	0x0e,          // k
	0x0f,          // l
	0x33,          // m
	0x11,          // n
	0x12,          // o
	0x13,          // p
	0x04,          // q
	0x15,          // r
	0x16,          // s
	0x17,          // t
	0x18,          // u
	0x19,          // v
	0x1d,          // w
	0x1b,          // x
	0x1c,          // y
	0x1a,          // z
	0x2f|SHIFT,    //
	0x31|SHIFT,    // | TODO
	0x30|SHIFT,    // } TODO
	0x35|SHIFT,    // ~ TODO
	0				// DEL

Update Arduino Component

Let’s build the Arduino project, open the Arduino_32u4_code in the folder ESPloitV2.
In the IDE choose these options:

  • Select Tools - Board : LilyPad Arduino USB.
  • Select Tools - Port : /dev/ttyACM0
  • Build and upload the sketch (you might need superprivilege)

Update ESPloitV2

Creating a custom firmware is the only way to modify the UI, to do so you will need to open the ESP_Code sketch:

  • Open the ESP_Code sketch from the source folder.
  • Select Tools - Board - “Generic ESP8266 Module”. (Previously installed)
  • Select Tools - Flash Size - “4M (3M SPIFFS)”. (You need this, otherwise the IDE will throw an error about size)
  • Select Sketch - “Export Compiled Binary”.

The firmware is now available in your /tmp/arduino_build_XXXXXX/*.bin. The upgrade firmware function in the panel at will upload the file.bin and reboot the WHiD Injector.

Holy sh*t, I bricked my device

Chill my friend, this device is hard to brick. If you have messed really hard you can push the reset button.

  • Open Arduino IDE and open ESP Programmer sketch
  • Insert WHID
  • Press Upload sketch and start the unbrick phase in the same time

Start the unbrick phase with a magnet by placing it close that side of the PCB where the hall sensor is located (do it two times). Close-away-close-away

Play time

Here is a simple payload which will spawn a terminal in a remote computer, you can either run it inside the livepayload tab of the AP, or you can use the Whid Toolkit

Simple command execution :
Rem:Command Execution (ALT+F2)


  • https://camo.githubusercontent.com/11652f5ea3a5600654e558177a5311893392ee73/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f7041636c55544d2e6a7067
  • http://www.zem.fr/utiliser-mouse-keyboard-azerty-arduino-pro-micro-teensy/
Written on January 18, 2018